Construction is Underway!
We are so excited to share with you that the community center in Malta, Nepal is under construction! After only one month the foundation is poured, the earthbag walls are compete, and the roof is up!
The monsoon season is already beginning so it was a bit of a rush towards the end, but our incredible team of paid skilled workers and local volunteers (249 volunteer shifts so far) got the structure built even sooner than we thought possible. The group of women from the cooperative we have partnered with came every day to help move dirt and carry water, fill bags with a mixture of sand and cement, and tamp them into place. And more than that - our construction manager says that the Quality of work was the most impressive. "They treated it like their own property."
There is still a lot more to do - chicken wire mesh must be applied to the walls and plastered over, the interior walls need to be finished and the concrete floor must be poured. But the big work to close in the new building is complete.
“They were afraid to dream big, but now their dreams are coming true.”